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以色列歷史悠久的猶太教堂 Justo Sierra/Nidjei

Sinagoga Justo Sierra

胡斯托塞拉历史犹太教堂(Synagogue Justo Sierra)位于墨西哥城历史中心,是一座古老而美丽的犹太教堂。这里是墨西哥城的第二所德系犹太教堂,也是墨西哥城开设的第三所犹太教堂。在Porfirato总统执政期间,犹太人开始从多个东欧国家来到墨西哥,还有许多犹太人甚至在此之前,在墨西哥殖民地时期和独立后,就在墨西哥生活过。犹太人在革命期间定居在历史中心,形成了一个小社区,他们在1941年修建了这座教堂。

这里最初被称为尼吉以色列犹太教堂(Nidjei Israel Synagogue),如今成为专门针对犹太社区的文化中心。这座教堂向公众开放,可以到这里游览和举办活动。2009年,犹太教堂社区彻底修复了这座建筑,如今这里仍然是墨西哥城最漂亮的一处景点。



Sinagoga Justo SierraThe Jewish community that emigrated from Eastern Europe and the Middle East at the beginning of the 20th century  found refuge in the old neighborhood of La Merced. The community organized and by 1922 created the Nidje Israel Charitable Organization in a room next to the Jardín de La Santísima. In 1937, the society bought two houses on Justo Sierra Street, at numbers 71 and 73. By 1941, the Nidje Israel Synagogue opened its doors to a temple, prayer area, study area, and social activities and meeting rooms. The current restoration began in 2008 and on December 13, 2009 it was re-opened as a cultural center.

Heart of México Walking Route:  Loreto-San  Ildefonso Route

< < Sinagoga Monte Sinaí |Mercado Abelardo > >

Proyecto “Corredor de Cultura Digital”.

Nombre de la investigación: Investigación Centro Histórico, Monumentos, Edificios y Puntos de Interés (2023)

Dirección de investigación y diseño de Rutas: Acércate al Centro A.C. Guadalupe Gómez Collada

Coordinación e investigación histórica: Fideicomiso del Centro histórico Dir. Maestra Loredana Montes



Monte Sinaí Synagogue

相近 0.05 kms.

Plaza de Loreto

相近 0.07 kms.

Santa Teresa la Nueva

相近 0.08 kms.


Monte Sinaí Synagogue

Mexico City's historic and first-recognized Jewish temple . . .


A modern graphic collection in an outstanding Baroque palace from the 18th century.

Santa Teresa la Nueva

A striking Baroque work by Pedro de Arrieta stands the test of time.

Nuestra Señora de Loreto

One of the most striking Neoclassical churches in the city center, the Church of Nuestra Señora de Loreto is also one of the most crooked.

Plaza de Loreto

A quirky city-center park becomes the final reflecting point for one of Manuel Tolsá's Bucareli fountains.
