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Parque Azcatl Paqui


How to get here


San Miguel Amantla, Azcapotzalco

Nearest at 0.40 kms.

Muy Gallito

Nearest at 1.8 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC

Santas Alitas

Nearest at 2.2 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC


Parque de la China, Clavería

The main neighborhood park in the Colonia Clavería.

Parque Revolución, Nueva Santa María

A beloved park in Nueva Santa María just keeps growing greener.

Itzcóatl Monument, Huacalco

Itzcóatl was the fourth tlatoani of the Mexica, priest and religious reformer who defeated the Tepaneca.

Parque Azcapotzalco

Azcapotzalco's alcaldia administrative buildings and esplanade...


One of Azcapotzalco's most beautiful parks, this one is older than it looks, and a treasure in the city's northeast

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